Journal Articles
C.W.F. Rissmann, L.K. Pearson, M. Beyer, M.A. Couldrey, J.L. Lindsay, A.P. Martin, W.T. Baisden, T.J. Clough, T.W. Horton, J.G. Webster-Brown, (2019). A hydrochemically guided landscape classification system for modelling spatial variation in multiple water quality indices: Process-attribute mapping. In: Science of the Total Environment. (Eds. J. Gan). 672, 815–833. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.03.492
Rissmann, C., Pearson, L., Lindsay, J., Marapara, T., Badenhop, A., Couldrey, M., and Martin, A. 2018. Integrated landscape mapping of water quality controls for farm planning - applying a high resolution physiographic approach to the Waituna Catchment, Southland. In: Farm environmental planning - Science, policy and practice. (Eds. L. D. Currie and C.L. Christensen). Occasional Report No. 31. Fertilizer and Lime Research Centre, Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand. 19 pages.
Martin, A., Turnbull, R., Rissmann, C., Rieger, P.2017. Heavy metal and metalloid concentrations in soils under pasture of southern New Zealand. 09/2017; 11., DOI:10.1016/j.geodrs.2017.08.005
Harvey, M., Rowland, J., Chiodini, G., Rissmann, C., Bloomberg, S., Fridriksson, T., Oladottir., T. 2017. CO2 flux geothermometer for geothermal exploration. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 06/2017; 213., DOI:10.1016/j.gca.2017.06.025
Pearson, L.K., Hendy C.H., and Hamilton, D.P. (2016). Dynamics of silicon in lakes of the Taupo Volcanic Zone, New Zealand and implications for diatom growth. Inland Waters, 6(2):185-198.
Peryer–Fursdon, J., Abell, J.M., Clarke, D., Özkundakci, D., Hamilton, D.P., Pearson, L.K. (2015). Spatial variability in sediment phosphorus characteristics along a hydrological gradient upstream of Lake Rotorua, New Zealand. Environmental Earth Sciences. 73(4): 1573-1585.
Li Sun, Leybourne, M., Rissmann, C., Brikowski, T. 2015. Geochemistry of a large impoundment – Part II: Fe and Mn cycling and metal transport. Geochemistry Exploration Environment Analysis 04/2016; 16(2):geochem2015-361., DOI:10.1144/geochem2015-361
Harvey, M., Rowland, JV., Chiodini, G., Rissmann, C., Bloomberg, S., Hernández, P., Mazot, A., Viveiros A., Werner, C. 2015. Heat flux from magmatic-hydrothermal systems related to availability of fluid recharge. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 09/2015; 302:225-236., DOI:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2015.07.003
Rissmann C., Leybourne M., Benn C., Christenson B.,. 2015. The Origin of Solutes within the Groundwaters of a High Andean Aquifer. Chemical Geology 03/2015. DOI:10.1016/j.chemgeo.2014.11.029.
Li Sun, Leybourne, M., Rissmann, C., Olariu, C., Sader, J.,. 2015. Lake Study Group: Geochemistry of a large impoundment, Part I: solute sources, mixing dynamics, and seasonal anoxia. Geochemistry Exploration Environment Analysis 02/2015. DOI:10.1144/geochem2013-214.
Bloomberg, S. Werner, C., Rissmann, C., Mazot, A., Horton, T., Gravley, D., Kennedy, B., Oze, C. 2014. Soil CO2 emissions as a proxy for heat and mass flow assessment, Taupō Volcanic Zone, New Zealand. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems 12/2014; 15(12)., DOI:10.1002/2014GC005327
Pearson, L.K., Hendy, C.H., Hamilton D.P. and Silvester, W.B. (2012). Nitrogen-15 isotope enrichment in the benthic boundary layer gases of a stratified eutrophic iron and manganese rich lake. Aquatic Geochemistry, 18: 1-19.
Stark, N., Pearson, L., Hamilton, D.P., Hendy, C. and Kopf, A. (2012). Unravelling fine sediment transport patterns along the Ohau Channel, NZ, using a dynamic penetrometer. Geophysical Research Abstracts 14: EGU2012-8434.
Rissmann C., Christenson, B., Werner, C., Leybourne, M., Cole, J., Gravley D. 2012 Surface heat flow and CO2 emissions within the Ohaaki hydrothermal field, Taupo Volcanic Zone, New Zealand. Applied Geochemistry 01/2012; 27(1):223–239., DOI:10.1016/j.apgeochem.2011.10.006
Bloomberg, S., Rissmann C., Mazot, A., Oze, C., Horton, T., Gravley, D., Kennedy, B., Werner, C., Christenson, B., Pawson, J. 2012. Soil gas flux exploration at the Rotokawa geothermal field and White Island, New Zealand. PROCEEDINGS, Thirty-SixthWorkshop on Geothermal Reservoir EngineeringStanford University, Stanford, California, January 30-February1, 2012.
Rissmann, C., Nicol, A., Cole, J., Kennedy, B., Fairley, J., Christenson, B., Leybourne, M., Milicich, S., Ring, U., Gravley, D. 2011. Fluid flow associated with silicic lava domes and faults, Ohaaki hydrothermal field, New Zealand. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 07/2011; 204(1-4):12-26., DOI:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2011.05.002
Pearson, L.K., Hendy, C.H., Hamilton, D.P and Pickett, R.C. (2010). Natural and anthropogenic lead in sediments of the Rotorua Lakes, New Zealand. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 297: 536-544.
Leybourne, M., Cameron, E., Rissmann, C., Miller, N. 2008. Understanding water sources, age and flow paths in hydrochemical exploration: Constraints from stable and radiogenic isotopes in the hyper-arid Atacama Desert, Chile. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 07/2008; 72(12).